Taking Control: Secure Identity Management with KILT

Mar 31, 2024

In today's digital world, our identities are constantly being exposed online. From simply logging into social media to applying for different jobs and paying for items through Shopee or GCash, we entrust various platforms with our personal information. While somewhat convenient, these traditional identity management systems often leave us with little control over our data. Centralized databases can be vulnerable to breaches, and we have limited options regarding who sees our information and how it's used. Most of the personal information we surrender usually isn’t even needed. This is where KILT Protocol steps in! Let’s check it out!

What is the KILT Protocol? 

KILT is a powerful protocol secured on the Polkadot network that empowers people to manage their online identities securely. Operating as a parachain on Polkadot allows KILT to leverage the security and efficiency of the Polkadot network while focusing on its core identity management functions. It does this by allowing the creation of Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs). DIDs are essentially digital IDs to prove who you are. KILT’s DIDs also come with Verifiable Credentials which are like digital certificates. What’s amazing is that KILT allows users to control all this data about themselves and decide what information to share and with whom. These data are also stored in a decentralized manner on the blockchain, thus making them harder to hack yet still easily verifiable. Its token is the $KILT token which is used for on-chain governance, transaction fees, staking, and generating DIDs. 

Through DIDs and Verifiable Credentials, KILT fights for a more democratic internet where there are no monopolies on data. Isn’t that great? 

Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)

Have you ever encountered someone on the internet who claims to be someone they’re not? This problem is easily solved by KILT’s DIDs which are really easy to create. KILT forms you a DID by generating a string of numbers and letters which act as your unique digital fingerprint. This DID can now represent your digital identity making it easy to track who exactly it is you’re communicating with online. DIDs function as unique identifiers on the blockchain, similar to your credit number, but without the centralized authority. Now, imagine if a credit card company’s centralized servers were hacked and all the information about you was released. The decentralized nature of DIDs makes this less of a problem. 

What makes a DID special is that unlike traditional usernames stored on centralized servers, DIDs on a blockchain are not held in one location. Blockchain technology uses a distributed ledger system, where information is replicated across a network of computers. This makes it incredibly difficult for hackers to tamper with DID data, as they would need to alter the information on every computer in the network simultaneously. DIDs leverage the security of blockchain technology to ensure fair online identification while also protecting its users.


Verifiable Credentials

Another of KILT's core features is the issuance and verification of verifiable credentials. These are essentially secure digital documents that prove something about you, such as your academic qualifications, work experience, driver’s license, or even an email address. Verifiable Credentials can be issued by trusted entities like universities or governments. Anyone needing to confirm the information's authenticity can verify it on the KILT network. For example, a university can issue a verifiable credential proving your graduation, which a potential employer can then verify. Finishing an online coding course on coding or graphic design could also provide verifiable credentials to prove your skill. These would definitely help solve trust issues around the workplace!

Selective Disclosure

KILT also allows its users to control all the data on the DIDs and Verifiable Credentials. Not everyone needs to know everything about you. Imagine running an online business where you have to transact with many people. Using DIDs will help reduce scammers and ensure that it is really you that your customers are transacting with. What may become a problem is that your DID may contain some data that you don’t want your customers to see. Do you think they really need to know your full address? Fortunately, KILT allows you to practice selective disclosure of your DIDs and verifiable credentials. You can choose what data your customers need to see in this case (such as your work credentials) and then hide the rest. 

Real-World Applications of KILT

KILT's potential also extends across various industries. Here are some examples:

  • Supply Chain Management: Traditional supply chains often suffer from issues like counterfeiting and lack of transparency regarding the origin and movement of goods. KILT can be used to issue verifiable credentials for products, tracking their journey through the supply chain. These credentials can contain information like origin, materials used, and sustainability practices which can overall help prevent fraud from occurring. 
  • Education: Universities and institutions can issue verifiable credentials on the KILT network, certifying academic achievements and professional licenses. Employers or other institutions can easily verify these credentials. Diploma mills and other fake certifications can then be easily identified. 
  • Healthcare: Securely sharing medical records with healthcare providers can be challenging, often requiring patient consent and data transfer procedures. Patients can control their medical records using DIDs and store them securely on the KILT network. They can then grant access to specific healthcare providers for limited periods and specific data. This process helps patients keep their medical records as private as possible.  
  • Implementing Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures: Know Your Customer (KYC) is the process of obtaining information about a customer and verifying their identity. KYC is also a means of implementing Anti-Money Laundering (AML) measures to combat financial crimes. With most businesses being required by law to comply with KYC and AML, they would need to collect tons of personal information from their customers which could lead to security risks. Businesses could use KILT as a way to enforce KYC without necessarily storing all customer information in one place. Allowing customers to use DIDs and verifiable credentials for KYC would reduce the amount of data companies need to store and also be safer for customer privacy. 

The Future of KILT and Decentralized Identity

Decentralized identity management powered by KILT has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact online. We would no longer need to rely on centralized companies that may get hacked or simply monopolize data for their own gain. As the blockchain and Web3 space expands, KILT will undeniably be needed to provide users a way to control their own data and manage their identity securely. Even now, KILT is working with traditional companies such as Deloitte, a major accounting firm, and Axel Springer, the largest publisher in Germany. KILT hopes to continue integrating with other current systems to pave the way for a more democratic internet. If you want to secure your identity, give KILT a try and take control! 

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